Sunday, February 9, 2014

MWR Rule Amendment

Please choose one of the following options for The Bigs minimum win rule:

Option A: Each GM must win at least 50 games at the major league level per season or they will be expelled from the world and will not be allowed back into The Bigs at any point.

Option B: Each GM must win at least 50 games at the major league level per season or they will be removed from the world and will be allowed back after sitting out one full season.

Option C: Each GM must win at least 50 games at the major league level per season or they will be removed from the world. If the owner fails to meet the MWR and wishes to remain in the world the following season, he/she may do so by selecting a different franchise.

Option D: Each GM must win at least 50 games at the major league level per season or they will be removed from the world. If the owner fails to meet the MWR and wishes to remain in the world the following season, the owners will vote on whether or not he/she will be allowed to return the following season. If it is decided that the owner may return, he/she must select a different franchise.

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